HIV training

HIV chalkboard

I first started doing some HIV training in the early 1990s when I was drawn to ‘do something’ about HIV. I then worked in gay men’s HIV prevention, then took on a more general public health training and development role that included HIV training for public sector workers and local voluntary groups.

Listed below are examples of some of the HIV training courses and workshops that I can offer:

  • HIV awareness – half day or full day training that covers the basics
  • It’s a Sin’ and HIV – a general discussion linking Channel 4’s ‘It’s a Sin’ and HIV in the 80s and now
  • Working with positive people
  • Growing old with HIV – improving older services that work with older people. There is a cohort of mostly gay men who contracted HIV in the 1980s and 1990s that are still with us. They need access to older people’s services.
  • Current health needs of people with HIV
  • Gay men & HIV
  • Sex and living with HIV: To tell or not to tell
  • ‘To Test Or Not To Test – that is the Question’ (HIV Testing)
  • Training the Trainers
  • HIV & the workplace

PLease contact John Mosley for more information or to arrange some HIV training.

Other related courses
