Young People and Drug Use

Example outline…


One or two days.

Who the course is for

All professionals in contact with young people need to be able to respond to the issue of young people’s drug use.


To increase awareness of the specific issues facing young people affected by drug use, and to provide an overview of key policy and practice issues.

Training outcomes (two day course)

By the end of the course participants will:

  • Have an understanding of the main drugs used young people and why.
  • Be aware of the extent of drug use amongst young people.
  • Be able to recognise different patterns of drug use and make appropriate responses.
  • Be able to identify risk factors and vulnerable groups.
  • Understand the key legal aspects of work with young people.

The full two day course can also include:

  • Assessing competence to consent.
  • Children in need and child protection in relation to young people’s drug use.
  • Young people’s substance misuse services.